Sunday, September 30, 2012

Spheres are placed in front of wedges.

Wenge seats are attached for
Bench set on the corner of Goodman and Anderson Street.

flanking the entrance to CITY newspaper ...
in the Anderson Ally Artist Studio /Stern Building.
Sept 21 st
Rochester's Art Walk Extension Project.

Parents stop by to ok the location...
of the spheres for the "Would you come join us"
before we start drilling.

Spheres drilled and Glued
and ready for seats with the assistance of Arnold VanDenburgh

Sept 28 th 
Wenge seats attached .....  FINISHED!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Lucky day... brother Fran shows up with his crew! help us drop drown and glue the wedges into the sidewalk.
Brother Paul with Peggy shows up to take theses photos.

September 20 th
With the help of Arnold Van Denbergh and Mark Moore
I deliver the 600lb wedges.

Early September.
The sidewalks are ready,
No more waiting.